• We analyze 13 online comparators for your e-commerce
  • Are they an interesting alternative for your online store?
  • Have you succumbed to Google Shopping y Amazon?

The online comparators had a huge boom at the end of 2011 and throughout 2012. At present, the offer of these services is very largefrom the most specific to the most generic. Users are constantly comparing products to find the best option for their pocket. In a world where large online sales portals offer more and more products and services, it may seem that using these tools is essential to not get lost in the attempt.

But for a store that wants to sell its products online, to what extent is it interesting to invest in these websites? Which one to choose? Are they profitable? These are some of the questions that our customers ask themselves and in Geotelecom we wanted to shed some light on the matter.

For the following study, we have selected some of the most representative product comparators and have analyzed them in order to determine its potential for the customer. The following tools were used to obtain comparative data. Semrush y Sistrixin addition to data from Google Analytics of customers who use these services in their e-commerce (data available in the complete study). (*) Data from the rest of the comparators are available in the complete downloadable study.

Comparators analyzed:

In the study, the metrics obtained refer to users accessing thee-commerce from the comparators. But there is a part of the traffic that our web receives from the comparators and that we cannot measure, it would be the case in which the users see our product in these portals, but they do not accede at that moment to make the purchase, but they do it later.

Therefore, the comparators can have a important role in the decision phaseby assisting the customer in locating the e-commerce with better price and make the purchase at a later date.


Before drawing conclusions about the profitability of comparators, we should reflect on the current state of digital marketing and some of the factors that have changed the industry and user behavior:


The American giant is a e-commerce reference model on the network, and one of the main price scales, characterized by its low price policy. More and more users are using this e-commerce to search for products of all kinds and compare prices, between your products and those of partner sellers.

Therefore, it itself performs the function of a comparator, subtracting market share from the specific websites in this function.

Google Shopping

Since the launch in 2011 of Google Shopping, its product comparison site, the product comparison site has been e-commerce has changed completely. To find information about a product or compare its price, you only need to type your query or the name of the item in the search engine and you will get all the information you need.

Google Shopping is currently the most powerful price comparator The growth is so overwhelming that it is logical to think that, in the short term, it will almost completely take over the niche of product comparators, leaving them in a difficult situation.

How much does it cost to appear in product comparators?

This question is one of the keys to determine if it is profitable to publish our products on these websites. Broadly speaking and without going into the rates of each one, it can be said that there are three types of comparators based on their rates:

  • Those who charge per click (most), with a CPC ranging from 0.10 to 0.15 cents, depending on the type of product.
  • Those who charge a fixed fee annual or quarterly, as in the case of Bueni.
  • Those who are freeas LaTop, where we can promote the products of our company. e-commerce free of charge.

Therefore, at this point it is necessary to analyze each type of online store and estimate the costs to compare it with the profitability that Google Shopping brings us. This comparison is essential to decide if it is interesting to publish our articles.

In the event that the investment in the comparators does not have the profitability provided by Google Shopping, it would be preferable to invest those amounts in the latter, since at the end of the daywe seek to maximize our Return on Investment (ROI).ROI = (Profit - Investment) / Investment).

If you would like to find out what other conclusions we have drawn from this study, see below you can download the PDF that contains complete information about comparators and their benefits and disadvantages, we hope you found it helpful!


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