Micro conversions: key to today's marketing

What the hell is going on?

A micro conversion (sometimes also known as micro engagement) is a small risk-free action that you are going to".request"visitors to get something on your website in return. The reason we all need to use these kinds of psychology-based marketing tricks right away is because only a small fraction of customers will go to the big sales goal (the macro-conversion) right away.

In short, most visitors in any ecommerce are not going to buy from the very first moment. And in case you have a B2B business, this means that they will ask you for a proposal, call you, write to you or fill out a form.

There is no creative marketing trick, copy or cunning that can be used to convince right away, because quite simply, the human brain doesn't work that way. The good news is that you still have time to rectify - this is where micro-conversions come into play.

Micro Conversions as a Real Story

This way you will understand it better... 😉
Let's say a guy meets the love of his life, asks her for coffee and... she says yes! In its own way, this is a microconversion. You haven't reached your ultimate goal-assuming you have more serious intentions than a superficial chat in a coffee shop-but you're one step closer to achieving it. If, instead of suggesting a coffee , kneels down and declares with shining eyes that he would like to have three children, and that one of them should be named Manolito after a former cellmate of his grandfather's.If you do, it is more than likely that you will never see her again in your life.

The Situation

How it works at the Microconversion level

Thepsychological aspectto which the mechanism of the microconversion can be attributed is the resistanceIf a person's freedom of choice is restricted, the value of the unattainable element increases - perhaps it can only be obtained if certain conditions are met. If you want to put it to the test, simply tell a child that he can play with any of the toys, except the one his little brother is playing with ... 😉

How all this generates sales

For the above reason, all visitors should be encouraged to make that momentary choice and submit to the lure of micro conversion - but, how does that lead to a sale? The answer lies in the deep-seated desire we all have for consistency in our behavior:

Once we have made a decision, it is likely that our subsequent actions will reflect it. If we did not act in this way, we would have to face the fact that we do not keep our promises and that we lack persistence and willpower.

This is how micro-conversions lead to sales. Through many small reinforcements, sooner or later we will be left with no choice but to act on the decisions we have already made - and so we will be converted through the website, regardless of whether the transaction is B2C or B2B.

What this has to do with marketing

Your brain only has one way of working, there is no separate online and offline brain - your actions work in the real world as they do online. What happens, when you visit a website, is the same as when you offer coffee instead of a wedding ring - only on a smaller scale and faster. Despite exponential technological advancement, there are plenty of 18th century websites that not only don't convert - they actually succeed in continually annoying their visitors.

All this is easier to understand in a B2B marketing context, since the longer the activation cycle (obtaining full customer engagement), the higher the engagement threshold. However, the process is exactly the same for B2C, but even faster: in an average e-commerce, for example, only 3% of visitors make a first-time purchase, but if they come back, this number multiplies by nine. Why? Consistency!

In every business around the world, decision making is significantly influenced by psychological factors - including micro conversion, or lack thereof. If you build a website where the visitor needs to complete small tasks to progress - think something small like pressing a particular button, or clicking through a link - you have a greater chance of conversion once a certain amount of micro conversions have been achieved.

If you think that with all this mess you will only get a 5% increase in conversions, you are completely wrong: there are some micro conversions that can increase up to 80% conversions for a specific website, you just have to focus all of them towards the same goal! Almost na.... 😉

Examples of microconversions

If you want to make use of these tips for your own website, the first thing you need to know is that not all micro-conversions are created equal. Every second of attention that each visitor receives can essentially be considered a micro-conversion - however, this is the weakest type of engagement.

Clicking on a button is already a point beyond, as it requires a concrete action. The visitor who clicks to play a video, focusing their attention on viewing certain content or providing their email address can be considered as the strongest or grade 3 micro conversions and are generally signs of higher interest. Here are some examples of weak ( grade 1 ) , medium ( grade 2 ) and strong ( grade 3 ) micro conversions:

what microconversions exist

Microconversions on your website

The question of which microconversion will be effective on your website cannot be known in advance, not even by the best online marketing professionals ( not experts ), nor by the best Growth Hackers. It all depends on the industry, the visitor's information and the final number of engagements, not to mention the visitor's previous experiences, tastes, habits, current trends and cultural factors.

In practice, online marketing optimization moves from one step to the next by finding what kind of micro-engagement pattern brings in the most sales, and then focusing your sales efforts on the visitors who have already taken that particular path.


If you want to use micro-conversions for your own business, you need to do three things. The first two are very easy, the third point takes a little more work:

In the first place we must give our visitors the opportunity to make micro-conversions - as many as possible. The simplest tool is to have a CTA (call to action) on your site that they are required to click on; for example: downloadable material, links at the bottom of the page, modules or plugins, calculators, online tools, quizzes, forms, challenge resolutions - the list really is endless, we just need to be a little creative. Bring out the creativity in you 😉 😉.

The second step comes once your page has become a clear example of how to employ micro-conversion - this is the point where data analysis begins and you can start measuring individual actions. You can do this with tools like Orbtr, although you can also measure these actions with more well-known tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel. I suggest you measure as much as you can, however, you can also choose the micro conversions that you consider most important.

The third step we'll take it once you've collected enough data for evaluation: now you need to figure out what's working and what's not. If you can find positive correlations between conversions and micro-engagement patterns, you're going to get to know exactly what you need to do to get sales - or if you're in a B2B business, leads. Once you've done that, you have a whole range of online marketing tricks at your disposal, depending on what you want to achieve with your micro-engagement....

Examples in real marketing

These are just a few examples of online marketing tricks that can be implemented to implement micro conversions:

  • Instead of using contact forms, make those contact forms forms are accessible to users only after clicking on a button - the chances of getting an e-mail address will grow. The most frequent is a pop-up form after clicking on the "contact" option, that is, instead of going to a separate page, it will open in the home/main page itself.
  • In the articles you write -including this one- it doesn't hurt to occasionally find a '. little question ‘. A quick opportunity to vote with a single question that gives us useful feedback and also - since you have to press the button - serves as a micro-conversion.
  • The multi-step forms produce more conversions precisely because of the higher micro-conversion required. Get rid of boring old contact forms and help yourself with plugins and modules to accomplish this task. Trust, in the fourth-fifth step of an entertaining and beautiful multi-step form, visitors will even provide their blood type if you ask them to...
  • There is traditional marketing tools such as five-star ratingswhich now looks "old school", but be sure it's not: it's a perfect opportunity for a small micro-conversion! And they can also help you with your SEM, improving your CTR 😉.
  • If someone is already on your website, it's not always a good idea to put the videos through YouTube - it's better to present professional videos on your own website with tools such as Wistia. YouTube already makes a lot of cash, it doesn't need any more and many times the user will exit to YouTube to watch it full screen - now it's your turn, so save that visitor for yourself using a alternative as Wistia that allows you to be on your website as if it were your server but with an external service! Neither the visitor will leave your site, nor will it ruin the performance of your website.

So, where now?

It doesn't matter how genuinely awesome or painfully awful a website is - without the right set of micro conversions you won't get "nanai" . Therefore, if you want a better conversion rate, it will be up to you to create as many micro conversions on your website as possible and continually measure the buttons your visitors click, the videos they watch and the specific micro-conversion pattern that leads to the big conversion.

Good luck, and please micro-convert by sharing or commenting (especially if you couldn't resist participating in the question above).


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