DATA FIRST #6: Introduction to data analysis with Connectif

It is interesting to know that analytics is after all a methodological approach that involves collecting, transforming, analyzing and visualizing data in order to obtain meaningful information and make informed decisions about the results.

Analytics is not only applied to the field of business as in our case in the marketplace, but also to science, technology or health. So, below, we will talk about its importance and what types of reports you can produce with Connectif.

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The data analytics process

Among the key components within the analytics process, we must highlight the following:

data analytics in connectif
  • Data collectionWe will collect data from various sources, databases. They can be numerical, textual, visual or a combination of these three, as in our case.
  • Data transformationIn this part we will clean, organize and structure the data for easier analysis.
  • Data analysisData Explorer: we will apply techniques and tools in the analysis of the data. In our case, the tool we will use are the reports created within the Data Explorer tool, which will help us to discover patterns or trends in the data obtained according to the metrics we set.
  • Interpretation and discoveryWe will extract relevant and valuable information from the results obtained. Here we will discover ideas, relationships or solutions to problems given by the data.
  • Data visualizationWe use tables, graphs or other visual elements to present the information obtained in a clear and understandable way, in this case for the client.

There are 4 types of analytics: descriptive, predictive, diagnostic and prescriptive.

types of data analysis in connectif
  • The descriptive analytics is based on describing past and present events based on reports and static visualizations.
  • The predictive analytics uses statistical models to predict future events based on events that have already occurred.
  • The diagnostic analysis This is useful for us to be able to determine the reasons for obtaining these data.
  • And in our case, we make a type of prescriptive analysisWe suggest specific actions to achieve desired results based on the past data we obtain.

The Data Explorer tool in Connectif

It is essential to recognize that the Data Explorer in Connectif marks a crucial and very interesting point. Beyond being just an automation tool through workflows, Connectif seeks to centralize all the information it collects, whether from our known or anonymous contacts, as well as activities on our website. This accumulation of data provides the opportunity to generate reports that guide our business in specific directions, driving informed and strategic decisions.

Thanks to Data First we have been able to develop and investigate different super interesting cases where we apply it in an integrated and beneficial way for our actions at Connectif. Visiting the rest of our blog entries you can discover a lot of information on the RFM and how to simplify segmentswhich days and times are the best to launch your campaigns, know more about the attrition rate, the importance of CLV y Lead Nurturing.

In addition, since the Geotelecom Youtube channelYou can watch explanatory videos where we take you on a tour of the tool and show you essential workflows. Don't miss it!

The 4 essential reports to include in your Data Explorer

Among the reports that can be presented, we are going to see some that can be key when planning the ecommerce strategy.

The way to generate reports in Connectif is very simple, as it is nothing more than a "report".drag and drop"where we select the dimensions with which we want to group the report and drag the metrics to be displayed in the report.

Recurring vs. first-time buyers report

This report will focus on analyze the improvement in the recurrence of our buyers over the year. We will organize the data by month as the main dimension, focusing on specific metrics related to first-time and repeat buyers.

We will select the number of first-time and repeat buyers, as well as the percentage corresponding to each group. This percentage approach is essential, as it will allow us to better understand the relative weight of repeat and first-time buyers. It is not sufficient to rely solely on absolute numbers, as sometimes, even when the total number of repeat buyers increases, the percentage may decrease.

This could be due to the incorporation of new customers in certain campaigns, which affects the proportion of repeat buyers. We will analyze the impact of our actions aimed at improving the recurrence of buyers. The strategy will depend on whether we want a broader analysis (considering the last year of actions) or a more immediate one (limited to the last month, for example). By performing this analysis together for both types of buyers, we will get a more complete picture and will be able to plan a more effective strategy.

A gradual increase in the percentage of recurring buyers indicates that we are implementing a successful e-commerce strategy. If not, it will be necessary to reevaluate the strategic plan for the coming months and look for ways to improve this percentage.

connectif first-time buyers report

This report is essential, as it provides a clear view of the data and allows us to draw up a solid strategy considering both categories of buyers. Through its analysis, we can adjust our actions and aim for more positive results. in terms of the proportion of repeat buyers.

Specific RFM data report

As we saw in the previous article, the RFM is a tool for grouping by type of customers very interesting. In this part we simplify and position each group within a state in the buying process. With this report we can analyze in detail the behavior of the different segments in the different channels (email, web content and push).

We will group the data by RFM segments provided by ConnectifHowever, we later suggested simplifying it into the 4 groups mentioned in the previous article in order to make a simpler but equally complete analysis.

Regarding metricswe are interested in knowing:

  • Number of buyers
  • % of repeat buyers
  • Total amount of purchases
  • Number of purchases attributed to email
  • Email conversion rate
  • Number of purchases attributed to PUSH notices
  • Push notification conversion rate
  • Number of purchases attributed to web content
  • Web content click-through rate
  • Average number of cart abandonments per contact
  • Number of purchases
  • Average number of purchases per contact

As indicated in the previous report, we are interested in both the absolute value and the rate, as these can vary from each other. This report can help us to plan actions according to the channel and type of buyer. We will be able to study the purchase and conversion behavior of each segment according to the impact of each channel and target each segment more effectively.

rfm data report

Email marketing report

This report is aimed at examining the metrics related to the email marketing channel, with the purpose of regularly exporting this data to a spreadsheet that we will be able to dump into a table in Data Studio. This approach will allow us to visualize and analyze the data interactively in Data Studio.

In terms of key dimensions, we seek to include information about the email workflowThe campaign's name, day and month (especially if we are focusing on a specific year). In terms of metrics, we prioritize the essential indicators to understand the performance of the campaign:

  • Number of shipments.
  • Total openings.
  • Opening rate.
  • Total number of clicks.
  • Click-through rate in relation to openings (CTOR): we want this data to be as accurate as possible. the CTOR calculates clicks based on openingsnot simply the shipments as the CTR does.

We establish a relevant time period to design future strategies. This report can be kept within Connectif to analyze campaign performance based on these metrics, which is crucial for strategic planning of email campaigns. For a more complete analysis, we can export the data and use it as a data source in Data Studio.

The advantage of using Data Studio is the ability to cross-referencing Connectif data with Google Analytics dataThis provides us with a visual report that facilitates the analysis of the most effective strategies within the email marketing channel. This provides a visual report that facilitates the analysis of the most effective strategies within the email marketing channel.

Although substantial conclusions can be drawn directly from Connectif, Data Studio approach provides more robust visualization and the ability to perform comparative analysis with Google Analytics data.

connectif email marketing report

Email statistics report

Although in this report we use some metrics similar to the previous ones, in this case the objective of the analysis is to obtain data on: number of purchases, number of abandoned carts, open rate, email click-through rate and email conversion rate based on the days of the week. With this data, we can determine which days of the week work best for shopping and email..

It is a report also focused on the email channel, since it is a very powerful function of the tool that we develop a lot in our department. In addition, we group by week or days of the week, depending on the type of data we are interested in measuring.

As for metrics, we will employ:

  • Number of emails sent
  • Email open rate (OR)
  • Email Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • Email conversion rate
  • Number of email unsubscribes
  • Email unsubscribe rate
  • Email bounce rate

This allows us to analyze, among other things, over- or under-sending of emails and to identify the optimal sending frequency to improve engagement and avoid spam. Analytics is an essential process for turning data into meaningful insights. It allows you to make more informed decisions, identify opportunities and challenges, and optimize processes.

statistical report email connectif

As you can see, Data Explorer is a very powerful tool that allows us to analyze data in many different ways. There is no report that gathers all the information we need to act on our ecommerce, but it helps us to specifically analyze the different aspects that we want to promote in this.

We do not want to close this post without making a few recommendations and essential tips:

data reporting tips in connectif

If you need a more exhaustive analysis focused specifically on your business, at Geotelecom we offer the Marketing Automation servicewhere we employ various tools to boost your website and make users want to visit you again and again.

Contact us at and tell us about your case.


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