Improving our ROI starts with Web Usability

The conversion rate or the improvement of our ROI... That unknown that we strive to improve every day. and above all we wish. Why is it that only 1 out of every 100 users manages to convert at best, even in a situation where the user has already a predisposition?

At Geotelecom, we do not only focus on conversions through PPC, but we also continuously we researched Usability recommendations, to send 'homework to our customers' developers. We are not only partners, we work as such.

However, understanding of the Keyword's intentcan have a real impact on improving our ROI. That's where we come in, aligning the stage of the purchase cycle, with the Ads, the Keywords and then the conversion probabilities. However, not everything ends with a click.

Landing pages play a very important role in improving our ROI, and these should revolve around the goal we require from the visitor. (our priority). Here it is important to try by all means to ensure that the micro-conversions do not compete with priority actions.  

Relevant tips for improving our ROI in Web Usability

Likewise, many Tips are decisive at the time of conversion. One of the ugliest things on the World Wide Web is the disorder. As well as the prominence gained by different devices in our lives in recent times.

Likewise, last month, at the Google Academies Mobile insisted on a first web design from the Mockups for Mobile, to later do it on PC and not the other way around. Is your website mobile friendly? You can check it in Google Search Console.

Also considering reliability and trustworthiness criteria, we can gaining ground through referrals or satisfaction guarantees (reviews, badges, secure payment...) In penultimate place, there is that which you will have heard a multitude of times! TESTING. Although there are a multitude of techniques for this, we highlight the one that Google recently made available to any user: Optimize completely free of charge.

Relevant for facilitating the Tests A / B, to people without technical knowledge. And we say penultimate, because if you thought that everything ended with the conversion, you're wrong! After a sale, there are multiple possibilities to increase revenue: Crosselling, Loyalty through Blog, Social Networks creating community, ... For us, increasing the average order takes on vital importance: recommend accessories or related products to converter users.


As a gift, a Heuristic Web Usability Points Test template. Of course, if you accompany these strategies with promotions, all the better. Let's convert! Because as Albert Einstein said, "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." 

Any factor that you consider key to achieve conversion? Do you think you can improve the rate of your E-commerce? We look forward to hearing from you! To get the higher performance of your PPC campaignsyou can find us at info@geotelecom.es947 94 22 83, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn o Google+ 


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