Five tips for your social media strategy on Black Friday

We know that the buying behavior of users has changed in recent months for obvious reasons: the coronavirus pandemic. We have seen how a large part of the population that had not yet done so, began to see in the online channel an opportunity to buy, sell and, in turn, to interact with people. And within this digital world we find that social networks continue to grow. This is confirmed by the penetration index of the IAB's 2020 Social Networking Study, which indicates that 87% of the Spanish Internet population is a user of some social network and that a 30% will register on a social network in the next 12 months.
However, the last four months of this rare 2020 bring interesting challenges for social networks and e-commerce: Black Friday (November 27), Cyber Monday (November 30) and Christmas (November 30). According to Google data, ecommerce is expected to experience a growth of 23% thanks to Black Friday and Cyber Monday and physical stores are expected to see a reduction in sales of around 13%. How can we implement a social media strategy in our marketing strategy for these dates so marked? In this blog post we will tell you how to do it but, week by week, we will be crumbling down all the opportunities at your fingertips to incorporate into your digital strategy for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Create hype

Black Friday is a day marked on the calendar of brands, however, it is not only brands that put in place a whole marketing mechanism, but users also perform research in the weeks prior. 35% of consumers will start searches a month earlier and 31% two weeks earlier, according to a Google report. With this scenario, attracting an audience in advance will be key and, in turn, will be easier because, if done during the week of Black Friday, the competition will have multiplied. How do we put this into practice? By creating hype or what we know in Spanish as expectación. This strategy can be done in many ways such as, for example, telling your followers that your company is going to participate in Black Friday with great discounts, gifts and surprises.

Creates a hashtag special

It is obvious that all publications related to that day will carry the hashtag #BlackFriday and it will be difficult to position yourself among so many. However, even if you use that hashtag, you can create a different one for that day that will make it easier to stand out and invite your followers to use it. The hashtag should be clear, simple and easy to remember. Here's a silly example: #BFTiendasFulano. Oh, and remember to invite your followers to use it with some kind of incentive.

Invest in social media advertising

We assume that by now you have had the pleasure of meeting your buyer persona or ideal client but, if this is not the case, investigate in which social networks he moves and invest in advertising to capture his attention. It will be a sure way to get closer to him and for him to get closer to you, win-win! In future posts we will talk in more detail about all the platforms and strategies available for SEM.

Email marketing is a good companion

If you have a newsletterTake advantage of it during the week of Black Friday and, if you don't have it, surely you have a database of loyal customers to whom you can tell all the actions you have planned for that big day.

Reward your followers

Take care and pamper your followers because today's followers will be tomorrow's buyers. Apart from the offers you decide to make, launch discount codes or raffle gift cards. This way, in addition to rewarding your followers, you will also know more accurately which conversions have come directly from social networks.
And so far, some of our recommendations for your social media strategy. Pay attention to our channels so you don't miss any of the following related posts! And if you haven't had enough, for the time being you can take a look at other tips from past editions.


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