Tips for customizing your Google Adwords data column with the Ideal CPC

Did you feel like customizing your Ideal CPC column in Google Adwords? Apropos of the post we published last week, Today we show you how to customize your Ideal CPC column in Google Adwords and how to include the famous formula.

As we explained, this metric helps you to set the bidding for your campaigns or ad groups. If you want to know in detail the details and advantages of using the Ideal CPC to set your bids, click on the following link: How to calculate the Ideal CPC to bid on a Google Adwords account.

How to include a custom column step by step

Here are the steps to follow to include stametrics in your data column:

  • First of all, we log into our Adwords account and we go to the level of one of our campaigns or ad groups.
  • Click on the option Columns // Modify columns // Select columns // Customized columns // + COLUMN. In this last section name the new column and insert the description of the column (this option is useful since by placing the cursor over the question mark icon, the program provides us with information about the concept we have included).
  • Secondly, we include the formula data using the symbols provided by Google Adwords. During the process remember that one of the values entered is variable. This is the maximum amount that each customer wants to invest in order to achieve 100 €. The value 0.12 means that for every 12 euros that the customer invests, he expects to make a profit of 100 euros. Regarding the definition of this value it is also important to use the point and not the comma to mark the decimal places, otherwise the formula cannot be activated. Save the entered changes.
  • When you include a new formula that the program does not offer by default, the changes will be applied instantly. In case you wish to include predefined parameters rememberimplement the changes.

      As we commented in our previous publication, remember that this is a indicative metrics when it comes to playing with bids, both Google Adwords, as well as Google Adwords and Facebook AdsBing Ads or others price comparatorsFinally, we hope you found this information useful and that it will help you to optimize the performance of your accounts!  

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