Compulsory GTIN code in Google Shopping!

May 16th 2016 it will be completely COMPULSORY to include the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) of every product you want to promote in Google Shopping. Til now, this code has just been obligatory for all the products included in the 50 brands designated by Google the last summer.

However, according to what the Internet and communication giant has announced, this requirement will be broadened to all the products. The only exceptions will be the handmade products and those products that aren't part of the retailer world. Remember that all the retailers have a short period of time of less than two months to add this information in their data feed.

As we previously announced in our blog, since last February the number of retailers in Google Shopping has been reduced due to the great amount of e-commerce that didn't include the shipping taxes in Google Merchant Center.

Despite the beforehand information, it is expected that there will be a lot of e-commerce affected by this new requirement, omce again. From Geotelecom we have already warned all our customers about the urgent importance of this huge change. It's true that there are still two months until the deadline but time flies and the sooner you do the better for your business.

How will this new requirement be useful for the Google Shopping retailers?

Thanks to the fact that the GTIN Code will now be mandatory in all the products advertised in Google Shopping, the comparison among identical products will be much more accurate, putting them together according to this unic and numeric criteria and others such as the mpn (Manufacturer Part Number) or the brand. Are you ready for these changes?  


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