Optimize your AdWords campaigns with Google My Business and Maps

In recent years, the local searches have become increasingly important. The number of people who perform this type of search to find nearby establishments has grown exponentially thanks to the mobile devicesHow many times have you reached for your smartphone in this situation? Almost 80% of users - according to Google - use search engines to find local information and find out opening hours, addresses, contact telephone numbers or the (increasingly important) opinions of other users. In other words, if your business does not appear in geolocalized searches, it is as if you did not exist.

In addition to all this, there is something that we have already recommended on countless occasions: the importance of having an website optimized for mobile devices. To get an idea of the magnitude of what we are talking about, it is enough to take a look at another great tool: Google Trends. If we look at the trends in all the searches that contained the terms 'close to me In Spain, we have seen a clear increase over the last 5 years, especially during the last two years.

Near My Google Trends
Searches with the terms 'near me' in the last 5 years | Google Trends

It is not surprising, therefore, that Google is giving an increasingly high priority to geolocated searches from mobile devices. The trends in this regard are clear: mobile first and local results. Since the end of 2016, the Google indexing crawls the websites as if the user's browsing was done from these devices. Thus, if you do not have an optimized website, it will be penalized by the search engine for having poor usability.

In line with the importance of these factors, today we bring you a tool that is as simple as it is powerful: Google My Business. Despite the potential of this tool and its fantastic integration with other Google tools, there are always doubts about it. Some of our clients are unaware of the many GMB functionalities and others do not pay enough attention to it. However, the vast majority end up being surprised at how such a simple tool can deliver such great results.

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business - formerly known as Google Places - is Google's free platform with which you can link your business with its immediate environment. In this way, you can have a greater presence thanks to the simultaneous publication of payment results (PPC ads in AdWords), organic and the Google My Business (in which is integrated Google Maps). In other words, it will give you unparalleled visibility on the first page of results. How many times have you thought of occupying more than half of the first page of Google? Another great advantage is that all the information that appears can be modified at any time.

Geotelecom Google Search
Searching for Geotelecom on Google and..., voila!

- Sign up for Google My Business

Before we begin, it is important to dispel a myth: the company files in My Business are free of charge! The first step to register any company is to have a company account. Gmail to access this service. Once you access Google My Business it is advisable to search for your business given the high probability that it is already registered in Google. Now you can find yourself in three very different situations:

  • If a record already exists and has an owner, you will have to claim it.
  • In case the record exists and it does not have an owner, you will also have to claim it.
  • Finally, if no card exists, you will have the opportunity to start its configuration from scratch.

Having made the claimGoogle will proceed to verify that it is your business. The easiest way is to request the code via mailing to the address on your My Business page (takes 3 to 7 days to arrive and is valid for 30 days). There are other verification methods but they are not available for all companies, unless it appears as an option in the file itself (by phone, email or even instant if you have a site already verified at Google Search Console). Once you have the verification code you only have to enter it in the option "Verify location." from the menu on the left. The claim, verification and configuration process in GMB is very intuitive, with support in case of doubt.

- How to create your My Business page if you are an eCommerce company

eCommerce in GMB
Option for eCommerce in Google My Business

If you are an eCommerce without a physical store, it is now possible to have a Google My Business listing. In this case you will have to register your company and check the following options: "I deliver products and offer services to my customers." y "Hide my address (not a store)."as shown in the picture.

Then you just have to indicate the delivery zone where you work (Google offers a directory of codes where Spain, for example, has the code ES). Once you have completed these two steps, you will be able to continue the usual verification process in Google My Business. Welcome! You will now have the GMB panel at your disposal to set up the information and schedule of your business, consult statistics, answer reviews, go up photos or manage your locations.

Combine My Business with Google AdWords

In life there are things that are good in themselves and that offer spectacular results. (read a well-managed AdWords account). Now think about combining two of these highly exceptional things... In a nutshell: a hamburger sounds delicious, cheese is a delicacy, but a cheeseburger with cheese is already a treat! If there are things that work on their own, combined they can achieve synergistic results.

That said, linking My Business with AdWords is extremely positive as it takes different approaches. From Google My Business you can manage all your business locations in a single AdWords campaign. Don't overlook the ability to take advantage of local search.

What possibilities does the integration of Google My Business with Google AdWords offer you?

- Location extensions

Maps Directions
Location Extension with directions in Maps

This type of extensions, in addition to improve the level of qualityallows companies to display their address, telephone number and location in Maps. Include address links in mobile ads, making it easier to find the right indications to reach any user who needs it. The advertisement is much more attractive by providing additional information for those who are willing to buy. All this favors a increase in clicksThe ad with extensions takes up more space and does so with relevant information.

Ultimately, the user can take a more informed and effective decision about your business when they click on your ad: go to the web, make a phone call or come to your store.

- Local ads on Google Maps.

Did you know that 1 out of every 3 searches performed on Google are local? When the user resorts to Google Maps often search for services or establishments near their location. The Google APP has become an almost indispensable resource on any smartphone. Posting ads on this tool makes it easier for potential customers to find your business. The ads on Maps can be placed within the box containing the search results or within the map (pins). Both ads will have a distinctive purple coloras shown in the example search for hotels in Burgos.

Search Local Maps
Local Search Ads on Google Maps

There is no doubt that appearing in an advantageous position at the exact moment when a user is looking for what they need can be a significant benefit. In order to appear on Maps, it is essential to have a Google My Business listing and, in addition, use Google AdWords to put your ad on the map. Any ad that shows the location of your business can also appear when the user makes a local search from a mobile device on Google Maps. If you want to optimize your position on Maps, here are some tips:

  • Enable location extensions in AdWords.
  • Keep the file updated in My Business.
  • Segmentation of campaigns and orientation of offers to specific locations.
  • Long tail terms for local searches: term+location.

If your goal is to create a integral Digital Marketing strategy In your business, you should take advantage of the immense joint potential of these two tools offered by Google. What are you waiting for? In case you take the plunge, don't forget that you can also count on our team for your campaigns 😉.

Do not hesitate to contact us!

Links of interest
Google My Business Help
Requests to link your account in Google My Business


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