Analytics Intelligence: personalized suggestions


As you know, the Analytics interface has a series of functions based on the machine learning. Its main objective is to facilitate the understanding of the data and assist in decision making.

Analytics Intelligence (which is the name of this set of functions) is composed of three help lines:

  • Answer to questions: allows user interaction with the interface through the formulation of simple questions. In this way, we can obtain a wide variety of answers based on the data from the dimensions and Analytics metrics. In addition, this functionality will evolve and learn as users ask questions.
  • User modeling and conversions: is a set of tools that rely on machine learning to generate conversion models that can be interesting for audience building, for example.
  • Personalized suggestions: Based on the analysis of the data obtained, Analytics Intelligence provides us with suggestions and opportunities that we can take advantage of to make beneficial changes.


After this introduction to the different sections of Analytics Intelligence, we are going to focus on the wonderful world of the customized suggestions.

First of all, to get to them we just have to go to the Google Analytics home page and click on the data" tab:

As mentioned earlier, the main purpose of personalized suggestions is to provide information on trends, changes or opportunities that can help us in making strategic decisions.

In this section we can find three tabs:

  • Personalized suggestions
  • Saved
  • Read

The first section shows the suggestions themselves. In the second, the suggestions that we have previously saved are included. To save suggestions, simply click on the options menu and choose "save data". Finally, the third section contains those personalized suggestions that we have already opened and explored. We can also mark the suggestions as read without having to open them, using the options menu that is displayed on each suggestion.

With the passage of time and interaction, the algorithm will learn automatically to display types of suggestions that are of most interest to the user.


The most common thing when we open the custom suggestions tab is to find a series of recommendations or basic information that we can see in most accounts. In addition, when we click on them, we have the possibility of going directly to the Analytics report which displays the information in more detail.

Here are some of the types of suggestions you may encounter:

And you, have you already tried the personalized suggestions, have you found them useful, let us know in the comments! ?


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