Why enable 'Google Signals' in Analytics now?

A few weeks ago, with Google's Streaming Marketing Innovations Keynotethe main new feature of Analytics: the Cross Device Reports using the option 'Enable Google Signals'..

Now that we have already started to see it in certain accounts, we can expand a little more with all the information you need! The first thing you should know is that you can only take advantage of this possibility if you the user activates Ad Customization.

With Ad Customization Enabled

It is necessary because it allows Google to have a global view across multiple browsers or devices. You can see how a user browses products in an Ecommerce on their phone, and then returns via a browser on their PC.

Normally this expires after 26 months, but we can still configure in Analytics the Data Retention' in Property > Tracking Informationto opt for a shorter or longer period.

Expiration of data retention

Do you have it enabled as a user?

Ads Personalization allows Google to...

Use the information from your user account to make the Ads more relevant whether in the Search Network, in Partners or in the different Applications. Otherwise, it can only be based on web content or location. Thus, Google:

  1. Includes browsing data from many Websites and Apps.
  2. Stores user data according to the preferences set in the activity control.

This results in:

  • The Google's control of advertising when you are not logged in.. How? It will use data stored from your user experience to display commercial messages on relevant websites, and will manage your activity on the Search Network to display relevant ads.

Please note that this only applies to browsers or devices where you have previously logged in with the same account. Of course, if you use several, each account works with its own configuration.

On the other hand, sometimes, people can use services manufactured by different vendors in combination with Google services. There, it is not always possible to identify the user. For example: if you first use Google Chrome and then click inside the Facebook App (which takes you to its own browser within the application). In this case Google cannot guarantee it.

What if we add to this 'Activate Google Signals'?

  • It accurately informs us of the user counts between the different devices: assets of 1 day, 7 days, 30 days,...
  • Insight into different user groups based on different combinations between devices. To focus on a more valuable set, with a better return. 
  • Enabling Google Signals gives us a journey from start to finish, through user behavior between devices: routes, funnels,...
  • Report on the advertising investment in more than one device: channels, campaigns,...
  • Value remarketing using data from the Cross Device Report.


  • Data collected by Google Signals is not exported to BigQuery.
  • Still no it is possible to use it in the Analytics dashboards, in the Customized Reports or in the Customized Tables.
  • Google Analytics also does not currently allow access to this information, in view of user IDs.
  • In cross-device reports, we still we cannot apply segments. They also do not show intraday data.
  • Cross-device is not yet enabled for application properties.
  • The information collected by Google Signals cannot be applied in the Reporting API and likewise does not allow it to be used in Google Data Studio.

 Activate Google Signals:

In the Analytics Property > Data Collection > if we have it available, we will see a notification to. 'Start'.

Activate Google Signals. We start the reports

Then, we follow all the steps...
Next step of Activating Google Signals

We can choose to configure it for all properties or only for some of them.
Property Settings under Enable Google Signals

And you're ready to go! If you still don't get the option to Activate Google Signals, don't despair! A little patience.
We hope to be able to tell you in a few weeks, all the possibilities of these reports with data already incorporated. Stay tuned to our Blog and don't miss it!


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